Today we visited Ankgor Wat, a 12th century temple located in the Northeast of Cambodia near Siem Reap. It is am amazing complex of temples, surrounded by a moat and a wall over 2 miles long. There are a series of related temples, monuments and structures covering an area of 70 square kilometers. We spent the whole day touring the temple sites and climbing vertical stair cases of several hundred feet. It was a hot humid day punctuated by a typical wet season downpour. Try climbing three stories in the pouring rain.
This is an important historic, religious and cultural site for Cambodians. Most of the kids at PE2 know about Angkor Wat and many of the older kids will be traveling nearby for a youth conference this week. It was important for us to learn about the history of Cambodia and the many accomplishments and historic sites built by its people. Below are a collection of snap shots from our day out. I'll categorize our pictures later and put them in order with the temple sites. Suffice it to say that it was an incredible day of exploring temple ruins and learning about the history that has shaped Cambodia.
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